Nachbarschaftstreff Mittelfeld from geMit eV

Summer festival with flea market Nachbarschaftstreff

Summer festival with flea market Nachbarschaftstreff

Summer festival with flea market Nachbarschaftstreff Saturday, June 15, 2024, 15 p.m. - approx. 19 p.m. Colorful hustle and bustle around Nachbarschaftstreff: Flea market, bouncy castle for children, crafts for young and old, coffee tsube, waffles, grilled sausage, handmade music and everything...

Nachbarschaftstreff Mittelfeld

Nachbarschaftstreff Mittelfeld

The Nachbarschaftstreff-Mittelfeld is a cooperatively run socio-cultural center that is funded by the city of Hanover. Four associations work together here and are represented on an equal footing in a user advisory board. There, open questions are clarified and new...