The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection has
Energy-saving tips compiled on its homepage.

Save gas now for full storage in autumn - Every contribution counts
There are 41 million private households in Germany. For heating, heating water and cooking, they require around a third of Germany's total natural gas requirement.
With supplies from Russia faltering, gas is a scarce commodity. The situation is serious. Even the smallest contribution to saving natural gas is important and valuable, because filling the gas storage tank has top priority. The more gas consumers now take part and save as much energy as possible, the better we will all get through the coming cold season.
Gas requirements can be reduced with simple measures – in your own four walls. For example, between 500 and 1.000 kilowatt hours are consumed per person per year to prepare hot water. There is considerable savings potential in this large difference. So it's better to think about whether cold water might be enough when you turn on the tap. When it comes to saving heating energy, too, every individual contribution counts – there are enormous effects in 41 million private households, because a good half heat with natural gas. Savings can also be made when cooling.
Are you wondering how this can be done without sacrificing living comfort? Take a look at our energy-saving tips and see how you can significantly reduce consumption when heating, cooling or preparing hot water. Applied by all of us, these tips help to fill the gas holders. This is a decisive step towards independence from fossil fuels, good for the climate and your own wallet. Let's save energy and costs together and help to secure the supply.
For more information, visit the campaign website "80 million together for energy change“. Here we also provide information on how the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection saves energy and how companies can save energy. BMWK_Energiewechsel_Energieeinsparen_RZ03_bfrei

Less is more! – Really save energy: when heating, cooling and ventilating
Around half of all private households in Germany heat with natural gas. That's around 20 million households whose contribution to saving heating energy has a major effect overall. And that without sacrificing living comfort. The following tips show how this works: BMWK_Energiewechsel_Less-is-more_RZ06_bfrei

1. Lower room temperature
Does it always have to be 23 degrees Celsius? It is also comfortable at 20 degrees Celsius, for example. Because just one degree less saves up to six percent of heating energy. The heating output can be reduced even more at night in living rooms and Co. when the rooms are not being used. For a healthy night's sleep, the optimal temperature is between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. So turn down the thermostat and dream – with a clear conscience. And don't forget: it's best to keep the doors between rooms with different temperatures closed.

2. Radiators need air around them...
In order for a radiator to function properly and energy-efficiently, it must be free-standing: the air should flow past it unhindered. Furniture, long curtains or paneling must never cover the radiator. This is the only way the radiator can work efficiently. This saves up to twelve percent on heating costs!

3. ...but not in itself
Regular venting means saving heating energy. This takes an average of five minutes per radiator. Time well invested, because it reduces annual heating costs by around two percent.

4. Ventilate properly
Ventilating properly means heating less. It is best to do this briefly and intermittently with the windows wide open and the heating turned off. If you do without tilted windows on cold days, you save even more. It is best to ventilate the bedroom in the morning. Or cross-ventilate the apartment with several open windows - and open interior doors. Except for the bathroom and kitchen: here, due to the often high level of humidity, it is advisable to close the doors when airing so that the moisture does not spread throughout the apartment.

5. Have the heating system serviced and optimized regularly
Up to 15 percent of energy can be saved if the heating system is not only serviced regularly, but also optimized. Adapted to actual needs, modern heating systems can automatically lower the temperature overnight, for example.

6. A valve for more comfort
If you like it more individual, you can use smart, programmable thermostatic valves. They can be used to set both optimal room temperatures and desired heating times - an ideal combination of comfort and savings. They ensure that, for example, the kitchen and living room are warm in the evening before the family comes home. And are quick and easy to install yourself.

7. Hydraulic balancing for the heating
A radiator glows, another does not get properly warm or gurgles? Hydraulic balancing helps and distributes the heat evenly throughout the building or apartment. A specialist company ensures that all radiators emit the heat required for the desired room temperature. This reduces energy consumption by ten to 15 percent. In addition: The hydraulic balance is - via the "
Federal funding for efficient buildings - individual measures (BEG EM)“financially supported.

8. Know and understand your own heating bill
If you know your specific costs, you can guess where energy guzzlers are hiding. When hunting them, it is advisable to seek information and support. Because heating bills are now so complicated that individual advice is recommended in order to understand them. The information it contains on heating and hot water consumption, costs and comparability are worth real money. So it's best to make an appointment with her
consumer advice centre agree, which advises free of charge.

9. Seal doors and windows
A cost-effective way of saving heating energy and being easy on the wallet: If you seal windows and doors, for example with elastic sealing strips or with movable sealing profiles and brush seals for the bottom edges of the doors, you can achieve a lot with little effort. This pays off above all on doors to unheated rooms such as the basement or the stairwell.

10. Protect from heat and cold
Roller shutters, roller blinds, curtains and blinds block out the heat in summer and help to keep temperatures at a comfortable level. Completely without air conditioning. This saves procurement costs and energy and also protects against the cold in autumn and winter.

Checking and optimizing your own four walls in this way is done quickly and helps all of us in Germany to get through the winter better.
Visit the campaign website for more information "80 million together for energy change".

Reduce hot water consumption - every contribution counts!
When you turn on the tap, who thinks about how the water is heated? In every second of the 41 million private households in Germany, this happens on the basis of natural gas. So there is considerable potential for savings here. The following tips will help you use it:

1. Shower energy- and water-saving
A water-saving shower head reduces consumption and costs by up to 30 percent. He mixes air into the stream of water, making it feel fuller. In this way, the comfort of the shower is not impaired. Saving shower heads are also very easy to install yourself.

2. Shower instead of bathing
As a rule, a shower uses only a third of the amount of water that is required for a full bath. Of course, that depends on how long you shower. If you don't shower for more than five minutes and lower the water temperature, you not only save hot water, but also gas for heating it. So turn off the water when lathering up and shorten the shower time.

3. Use cold water more often
Why not wash your hands with cold water? Soap will remove the dirt even then. Fruits and vegetables should also be washed with cold water. Another kitchen tip: It is better to use the dishwasher than to wash by hand. This is sustainable and saves up to 50 percent energy and 30 percent water.

The current shortage of natural gas makes it more necessary than ever to conserve energy. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps. This is good for the climate and a step towards independence from fossil fuels. Hot water and energy for treatment can be reduced in every household with little effort. This protects the environment and your wallet.
For more information, visit the campaign website "80 million together for energy change".

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