Most of the allotment gardeners' association, founded in 1981, is nestled between the Seelhorster Friedhof and the Seelhorster Forest Mittelfeld eV
The ideal environment to relax from everyday stress. Children are given a wide range of play and design opportunities away from traffic in the great outdoors.
All gardens are supplied with electricity, which makes working in the garden much easier. Membership in the allotment gardening association is a prerequisite for leasing one of the 209 garden parcels Mittelfeld eV. You can get first contact and information about free gardens by phone on 0178/9757000 or during the consultation hour every first Friday of the month from 17.30 p.m. to 18.30 p.m. in the office of the association (parking lot Kolonie Garkenburg-Mitte).
Do you want to get a first impression of the free gardens?
All new gardens to be allocated are also displayed with pictures and technical data in the display cases on the way to the association's office and across from the forest restaurant. Or visit us on our homepage
Allotment gardening association Mittelfeld eV
In front of Seelhorst 114
30519 Hanover
Tel.: 0178-9757000